Abhidhamma View : The 14 Modes of Occurrence

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Abhidhamma View : The 14 Modes of Occurrence

Post by yawares »

Dear Members,

:candle: Abhidhamma View : The 14 Modes of Occurrence :candle:
[Presented by Dr.Tep Sastri @ sariputtadhamma/JTN]

The numbers in parentheses, e.g. (1) - (8), refer to the 89 kinds of consciousness:


I. Profitable

Sensual Desire Sphere:
(1) Accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge, unprompted.
(2) Do., do., prompted. (3) Do., dissociated fm. kn., (4) Do., do., prompted. (5) Acc. by equanimity, ass. w. kn., unprompted.
(6) Do., do., prompted. (7) Do., dissoc. fm. kn.,unprompted. (8) Do., do., prompted.

Fine Material Sphere:
(9) 1st jhaana. (10) 2nd jhaana. (11) 3rd jhaana. (11) 4th jhaana. (11) 5th jhaana.

Material Sphere:
(14) Boundless space. (15) Boundless consciousness. (16) Nothingness. (17) Neither-perception-nor-nonperception.

(18) Path moment -- Stream entry. (19) Path moment -- Once-return.
(20) Path moment --Non-return. (21) Path moment -- Arahantship

II. Unprofitable

(a) Rooted in Greed : (22) Acc. by. joy, ass. w. views, unprompted. (23) Do., do., prompted. (24) Do., dissoc. fm. views, unprompted. (25) Do., do., prompted. (26) Acc. by equanimity, ass. w. views. (27) Do., do., prompted. (28) Do., dissoc. fm. views, unprompted. (29) Do. do., prompted.
(b) Rooted in Hate : (30) Acc. by grief, ass. w. resentment, unprompted. (31) Do., do., prompted.
(c) Rooted in Delusion : (32) Ace. by equan., ass. w. unc:- . (33) Do., do., ass. w. agitation.

III. Indeterminate

1. Resultant (a) Profitable Result 1. Without Root-Cause
(34) - (38) Eye-, ear-, nose-, tongue-, bodyconsciousness, pleasant. (Seeing, etc.)
(39) Mind-element. (40) Mind-consciousness-element acc. by joy. (41) Mind-consciousness-element acc. by equan.
2. With Root-Cause. (42) - (49) =(1) - (8)

(b) Unprofitable Result Without Root-Cause Only : (50) - (54) Eye-, ear-, nose-, tongue-, body-consciousness, painful. (Seeing, etc.) (55) Mind-element. (56) Mind-consciousness-element.
(57) - (61) = (9) - (13)
(62) - (65) = (14) - (17)
(66) - (69) = Fruition moments --Stream-entry - Arahantship.

2. Functional 1. Without Root-Cause: (70) Mind-element (5-door a.) (71) Mind-consciousness-element acc. by equan. (5-door det. mind-door a.) (72) Mind-consciousness-element acc. by joy.

2. With Root-Cause (73) - (80) = (1) - (8)
(81) - (85) = (9) - (13), (86) - (89) = (14) - (17).

Vism. p. 462- 466:

111. (a) When, through the influence of the eight kinds of sense-sphere profitable [consciousness] (1)-(8), beings come to be reborn among deities and human beings, then the eight kinds of sense-sphere resultant with root-cause (42)-(49) occur, and also the resultant mind-consciousness-element without root-cause associated with equanimity (41), which is the weak profitable result with two root-causes in those who are entering upon the state of eunuchs, etc., among human beings --thus nine kinds of resultant consciousness in all occur as rebirth-linking; and they do so making their object whichever among the kamma, sign of kamma, or sign of destiny has appeared at the time of dying (see also XVII.120).

112. When, through the influence of the profitable of the fine-material sphere (9)-(13) and the immaterial sphere (14)-(17), beings are reborn [respectively] in the fine-material and immaterial kinds of becoming, then the nine kinds of finematerial (57)-(61) and immaterial (62)-(65) resultant occur as rebirth-linking; and they do so making their object only the sign of kamma that has appeared at the time of dying.

113. When, through the influence of the unprofitable (22)-(33), they are reborn in a state of loss, then the one kind of unprofitable resultant mind-consciousnesselement without root-cause (56) occurs as rebirth-linking; and it does so making its object whichever among the kamma, sign of kamma, and sign of destiny has appeared at the time of dying. This firstly is how the occurrence of nineteen kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as rebirth-linking.

114. (b) When the rebirth-linking consciousness has ceased, then, following on whatever kind of rebirth-linking it may be, the same kinds, being the result of that same kamma whatever it may be, occur as life-continuum consciousness with that same object; and again those same kinds. And as long as there is no other kind of arising of consciousness to interrupt the continuity, they also go on occurring endlessly in periods of dreamless sleep, etc., like the current of a river. This is how the occurrence of those same [nineteen kinds of] consciousness should be understood as life-continuum.

115. (c) With the life-continuum continuity occurring thus, when living beings’ faculties have become capable of apprehending an object, then, when a visible datum has come into the eye’s focus, there is impinging upon the eye-sensitivity due to the visible datum. Thereupon, owing to the impact’s influence, there comes to be a disturbance in [the continuity of] the life-continuum. Then, when the life-continuum has ceased, the functional mind-element (70) arises making that same visible datum its object, as it were, cutting off the life-continuum and accomplishing the function of adverting. So too in the case of the ear door and so on.

116. When an object of anyone of the six kinds has come into focus in the mind door, then next to the disturbance of the life-continuum the functional mindconsciousness-element without root-cause (71) arises accompanied byequanimity, as it were, cutting off the life-continuum and accomplishing the function of adverting. This is how the occurrence of two kinds of functional consciousness should be understood as adverting.

117. (d)-(h) Next to adverting, taking the eye door first, eye-consciousness (d) arises accomplishing the function of seeing in the eye door and having the eyesensitivity as its physical basis. And [likewise] (e) ear-, (f) nose-, (g) tongue-, and (h) body-consciousness arise, accomplishing respectively the functions of hearing, etc., in the ear door and so on.
These comprise the profitable resultant [consciousnesses] (34)-(38) with respect to desirable and desirable-neutral objective fields, and the unprofitable resultant (50)-(54) with respect to undesirable and undesirable-neutral objective fields.
This is how the occurrence of ten kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching.

118. (i) Because of the words, “Eye-consciousness having arisen and ceased, next to that there arises consciousness, mind, mentation … which is appropriate mind-element” (Vibh 88), etc., next to eye-consciousness, etc., and receiving the same objective fields as they [deal with], mind-element arises as (39) profitable resultant next to profitable resultant [eye-consciousness, etc.,] and as (55) unprofitable resultant next to unprofitable resultant [eye-consciousness, and so on].
This is how the occurrence of two kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as receiving.

119. (j) Because of the words, “Mind-element having arisen and ceased, also, next to that there arises consciousness, mind, mentation … which is appropriate mind-element” (Vibh 89), then resultant mind-consciousness-element without root-cause arises investigating the same objective field as that received by the mind-element. When next to (55) unprofitable-resultant mind-element it is (56) unprofitable-resultant, and when next to (39) profitable-resultant [mind-element]. it is either (40) accompanied by joy in the case of a desirable object, or (41) accompanied by equanimity in the case of a desirable-neutral object. This is how the occurrence of three kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as investigating.

120. (k) Next to investigation, (71) functional mind-consciousness-element without root-cause arises accompanied by equanimity determining that same objective field. This is how the occurrence of one kind of resultant consciousness should be understood as determining.

121. (l) Next to determining, if the visible datum, etc., as object is vivid, then six or seven impulsions impel with respect to the objective fields as determined.
These are one among (1)-(8) the eight kinds of sense-sphere profitable, or (22)-(33) the twelve kinds of unprofitable, or (72)-(80) the nine remaining sensesphere functional. This, firstly, is the way in the case of the five doors. But in the case of the mind door those same [impulsions arise] next to (71) mind-door adverting.
Beyond [the stage of] change-of-lineage any [of the following 26 kinds of impulsion] that obtains a condition impels; that is, any kind among (9)-(13) the five profitable, and (81)-(85) the five functional, of the fine-material sphere, and (14)-(17) the four profitable, and (86)-(89) the four functional of the immaterial sphere, and also (18)-(21) the four path consciousnesses and (66)-(69) four fruition consciousnesses of the supramundane.
This is how the occurrence of fifty-five kinds of profitable, unprofitable, functional, and resultant consciousness should be understood as impulsion.

122. (m) At the end of the impulsions, if the object is a very vivid one in the five doors, or is clear in the mind door, then in sense-sphere beings at the end of sense-sphere impulsions resultant consciousness occurs through any condition it may have obtained such as previous kamma, impulsion consciousness, etc., with desirable, etc., object. [It occurs thus] as one among the eight sense-sphere resultant kinds with root cause (42)-(49) or the three resultant mindconsciousness elements without root-cause (40), (41), (56), and it [does so] twice or once, following after the impulsions that have impelled, and with respect to an object other than the life-continuum’s object, like some of the water that follows a little after a boat going upstream. Though ready to occur with the lifecontinuum’s object after the impulsions have ended, it nevertheless occurs making the impulsions’ object its object. Because of that it is called registration(tadaaramma.na-lit. “having-that-as-its-object”). This is how the occurrence of eleven kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as registration.

123. (n) At the end of registration the life-continuum resumes its occurrence. When the [resumed occurrence of the] life-continuum is again interrupted, adverting, etc., occur again, and when the conditions obtain, the conscious continuity repeats its occurrence as adverting, and next to adverting seeing, etc., according to the law of consciousness, again and again, until the life-continuum
of one becoming is exhausted. For the last life-continuum consciousness of all in one becoming is called death (cuti) because of falling (cavanatta) from that [becoming]. So that is of nineteen kinds too [like rebirth-linking and life-continuum]. This is how the occurrence of nineteen kinds of resultant consciousness should be understood as death.

124. And after death there is rebirth-linking again; and after rebirth-linking, life-continuum. Thus the conscious continuity of beings who hasten through the kinds of becoming, destiny, station [of consciousness], and abode [of beings] occurs without break. But when a man attains Arahantship here, it ceases with the cessation of his death consciousness. This is the section of the detailed explanation dealing with the consciousness aggregate.

:heart: Love Buddha's dhamma,
yawares/sirikanya :heart:
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