What possible are the urges, impulses what arise?

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What possible are the urges, impulses what arise?

Post by auto »

Javana is a citta what enjoys the object. It is urge, urge to copulate, and during javana is where the kamma is made.
abhidhamma comment Tin Mon wrote:Ja: javana – impulsive consciousness enjoying the taste
of the sense object
One of the 29 kàma-javana cittas, as conditioned by
manasikàra and voññhapana, arises mostly seven times,
i.e., it runs for seven conscious moments.
In my opinion what we call craving based on a sensation how it feels, it is javana what enjoys the taste of the sense object.

the object,
abhidhamma comment Narada.. wrote:Sensation is explained as “the content of
sensuous intuition, or the way in which a conscious subject
is modified by the presence of an object,.”86
86. Ibid., p. 289.
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